Kritter Review
Kritter REVIEW A wave-based action game that sees you defending a ship against a swarm of enemies, Kritter takes a fairly simple, but exhilarating premise, and adds a ton of style to it. In this… Kritter Review
Kritter REVIEW A wave-based action game that sees you defending a ship against a swarm of enemies, Kritter takes a fairly simple, but exhilarating premise, and adds a ton of style to it. In this… Kritter Review
Click on the links to the side to check out the winners of Feedback Quest 3 SEE ALL SUBMISSIONS Headless Jeff-3 Review Brooke Vs World Doom Review Step by Step Hero… Feedback Quest 3
Hyper 5 Pit your skills against 5 levels of insane SHMUP gameplay. Unlock multiple types of weapons and upgrade by completing sub-tasks and try to stay alive through a gauntlet of beautifully rendered enemies. Challenging… Hyper 5 Review
Step by Step Hero Review Step by Step Hero is a walking simulator game, both developed and published by Pixelstop. Find yourself in the randomized universe of Omrand, where every step you take contributes to… Step by Step Hero Review
Brooke Vs World Doom Review Fresh from SlyBalto, Brooke Vs. World Doom is a stand out, sidescrolling shooter that will reel you in with explosive action, wild weapons and intense powerups. The aim of the… Brooke Vs World Doom Review
Monochrome RPG Review Monochrome RPG is an excellent little game that’s simple to understand and play but still provides a lot of depth for those who want it. The very basic idea behind the game… Monochrome RPG Review
Do You See The Waving Cape Review A soothing game where a faceless narrator shares stories of different parts of their childhood and the lessons they’ve learned along the way with the player. Split into… Do you see the waving cape review
Headless Jeff-3 Review Headless Jeff 3 is yet another magnificent release as part of the indie gaming scene. When choosing to play Headless Jeff 3, you’ll experience a chaotic and engaging adventure right from the… Headless Jeff-3 Review
Scrap Seas Review The new Scrap Seas demo is beautifully rendered and features some great new elements that are sure to keep you returning for more. The 3D look in this game is absolutely stunning… Scrap Seas Review
Nova: Cloudwalker’s Tail Review The video game Nova: Cloudwalker’s Tale is a puzzler in which you explore a desolate land rife with legends. Make your way across the sky by moving around, combining clouds, and… Nova: Cloudwalker’s Tail Review